Official Language

The official language of the conference is English.

All presentation including discussion and submissions shall be made in English.

Instruction for Oral Presentations

In each oral presentation room, one LCD projector will be available. The presenters have to bring their own laptop. The presenters should prepare Power Point Slides (16:9) to facilitate their presentations.  The slides and the presentations must be in English. Please test the slides before session start to avoid potential format problems caused by different software versions.

Duration of oral presentation is 15 minutes (including 3 mins Q&A)

Instruction for Poster Presentations


  • Your poster SHOULD have the following dimensions:
  • Poster Size: 90cm wide x 120cm high.
  • Please note that printing out your submitted full paper in A4 size format is NOT acceptable as a poster.


  • Title: The title of your poster should appear at the top with lettering of at least 42 pt font size). Below the title, place the names of authors and their
  • Text: Text should be readable from five feet away. Use a minimum font size of 17 pt. Keep the text brief. Try to use text to introduce the study, explain visuals and direct viewers’ attention to significant data trends and relationships portrayed in the visuals, state and explain the interpretations that follow from the data. It is also a good idea to put future research plans or questions for discussion with viewers in your
  • Figures: Each figure should have a brief title. Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the Try to use color figures rather than only black and white text to make your poster attractive and highlight the important technical content of your paper. Make sure that the text and the visuals are integrated.


Author should post up your poster on the poster panel in the morning of the day of your poster session. The detailed schedule of poster arrangement please refer to the Program Arrangement webpage. When you arrive for your session, please contact secretariat staff at the registration counter for:

  1. Reporting presence,
  2. Confirming the assigned board number,
  3. Getting plastic

Please note that your poster should be prepared well in advance. There will be no time or materials available for last minute preparations at the conference. Plastic tape will be provided to attach your posters to the boards.

Please remove your poster before end of the day, or it will be discarded.